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mandolin...slip sliding away

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I have acquired a orchestra style bowl mandolin recently and would like to know if anyone has solved the problem of the slipping and sliding around frustration. I use a small footstool which helps. I have tried soft spongy liner on my lap that is used on kitchen shelving but it seems to be harming the finish on my new instrument. Anyone out there experiencing the same problem and has an answer for this dilemma..I would be delighted to hear from you.

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  1. EdHanrahan's Avatar
    A very common complaint! I have a bowlback and am far from expert, but it will become a bit less slippery over time, meaning that your grip / grasp / clasp / bear-hug will eventually bring it under control, with experience. And with surprisingly little effort or strength involved. It's mostly a feel & balance thing, like learning to ride a 2-wheel bicycle... it's really easy after you know how, and you'll only know how by feeling it. You bet that mine, at first, felt like a slippery watermelon seed!

    I took a clinic on Italian folk tunes two summers ago here in NJ, and the instructor, John LaBarbera, could just hold it up to his chest, while standing & walking, and play with total fluidity & speed - and no anti-slip equipment! He just sort of clamped the end of the body under his picking-hand wrist, held the neck & fretted with the other hand, and played.
  2. JEStanek's Avatar
    Try a chamois cloth. It shouldn't mar your finish.
  3. Malugssuak's Avatar
    Great solution is to go to any large home improvement or department store and get a small carpet pad. It is gummy and you just lay it like a cloth on your lap and end of problem. I even have an old useless but very pretty bowl-back mando-cello, on display on a shelf. I park it on a piece of rug pad so it won't slip. Works fine. good luck.