This is my Love, Do You Like Her?

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  1. Jill McAuley
    Jill McAuley
    Nice one Simon, lovely feel to it!
  2. Simon DS
    Simon DS
    Thanks Frank and Jill, yes those Douglas firs were the size of little Christmas trees in the summer of ‘68. And I spent a couple of hours on different occasions repairing that stone terrace wall behind me.

    It probably took people weeks to build the wall by hand, and then suddenly this amazing heavy machinery is brought in and it crushes the wall to pieces in seconds.

    How cool is that!

    And now today, while cycling my bicycle back from the supermarket, someone spits at me.
    Looks like soon we’ll need all sorts of vaccinations just to ride a bicycle
  3. Ginny Aitchison
    Ginny Aitchison
    A really nice tune Simon, I was looking at the trees and wondering why they had to come down? Can you tell us?
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