Pipe Tunes

  1. Eddie Sheehy
    I'm pulling a Bill Kilpatrick on this one... I love the Bagpipes. I used to play in the school pipe-band when I was a kid... Haven't touched them since... until now... Here's a few tune I used to play back then. Scotland The Brave, The Scottish Soldier, The Last Rose of Summer, When The Battle's O'er, The Minstrel Boy...

  2. billkilpatrick
    speechless ... "shock and awe" ... need coffee.
  3. Barbara Shultz
    Barbara Shultz
    Eddie, those were great! I love the cleanness of your ornamentations (triplets, I'm guessing!) From the look on your face, I'm thinking you hid the REAL dead soldiers behind all those water bottles!
  4. CelticDude
    Yes, Eddie, you really have those triplets down. Inspirational; must go practice now...

    Dead soldiers? Is there a war going on in your kitchen?
  5. Barbara Shultz
    Barbara Shultz
    I can't remember where Eddie says his wife is, if he's recording in the kitchen (I seem to remember that she may be in the garage/work room?) anyway... it's interesting to see what Eddie has been doing in the kitchen, working up to his performance!
  6. billkilpatrick
    yeah, i forgot how that went as well - the pool was in there somewhere ... if i remember correctly, if he's in the garage, he's in the dog house. ed?
  7. Barbara Shultz
    Barbara Shultz
    I think if he is in the garage, then his wife is NOT in the garage, if he's out by the pool, his wife is in the house, if he's in the kitchen, she's out of town.... come on, Ed, tell us again!
  8. billkilpatrick
    this is like cluedo ...
  9. Bertram Henze
    Bertram Henze
    I have read that the early Celts were a very belligerent bunch of warriors who severed the heads of their enemies and took them home, placing them on stakes around the house to make a so-called ghost fence to repel evil spirits (the Halloween Jack-O-Lantern is a modern reminiscence of that custom). Now what do you have in your fridge, Eddie?

  10. Eddie Sheehy
    Not just the early Celts... there's food in the fridge... my beer is relegated to the fridge in the garage, where my wife is having a work-shop this week-end so I'm in the kitchen at night and by the pool in the day - until the kids go for swim, then I'd need a mad Mix to play out there......
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