View Full Version : A question about Triplets

Sep-15-2004, 10:16pm
Howdy all, this is my first post here, though I've been lurking around for a few weeks reading. My question is this, I've been trying to figure out what type of scale runs guys like Thile, Flinner, Grisman,...well actually anyone do when they tear into one of those ripping ascending runs that last about a measure. I realize the possibilities are endless but for example if you were in the key of G major, and you were about to do a quick flashy triplet run what notes from the major scale would you choose, is it just a pentatonic, or a version of an arpeggio, any guidance would be greatly appreciated before I ruin all my cds. Thanks all.


Keith Wallen
Sep-16-2004, 7:09am
There are a lot of possibilities and you can use either scale to do it. Also it doesn't have to be all on one string so you can mix it up however. An example of an arpeggio in G would be on the A string frets 2, 4, & 5.