View Full Version : Got a G and 2 Fs positions

Jun-23-2009, 2:47pm
I know this will be old stuff for many. I learned two chord formations from a friend. I had used the 2 finger F chord for a long time 230x. Two new additions, roll the middle finger down getting the c at the 3 -- 233x. Another is a 4 string F getting the E string at the 1, an f -- 2301. The G is the 233x moved up two frets -- 455x. This G is nice for second position chord work like Salty Dog, much less movement. The G that way sounds nice too. Hope this helps someone.

Jun-23-2009, 4:45pm
2 finger chords, same frets... 3 chords, I,IV,V, key of C : 0230,
4th, F, down , is that 230(X/or1),
G 5th up. 0023.

Jun-23-2009, 4:52pm
My favorite F is 5301 ... the G chop moved down 2 frets.

No need to drop out strings ... 2335, 5788 are other good 3-finger F inversions that use all 4 strings.