View Full Version : The Harlequin!

May-13-2004, 1:15pm
Stumbled on this while trying to find out what an Icicle mando is.


"The Harlequin's abilities stem from a pair of spectacles rumored to be constructed by the alien technology of the Manhunter cult. These spectacles projected realistic illusions of a variety of types and were also rigged to give anyone but Mayne a strong electrical shock if they were touched. In addition to her technology, Mayne was an olympic level athlete and carried a heavy wooden mandolin that she used as a club."



John Flynn
May-13-2004, 1:45pm
Woah! I'm in love! She could make me write bad checks! #http://www.mandolincafe.net/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif

May-13-2004, 2:15pm
Using a character from a Green Latern radio play, she decided to become a "villain" to gain the attention of Green Lantern, and profess her love to him. (Yeah, bashing someone over the head with a mandolin - that really show's you care!)

Well I suppose that would depend on whether it was a Pac Rim mando or not.


jim simpson
May-13-2004, 4:13pm
Just be thankful it wasn't a banjo!!