View Full Version : J75s on short scale Eastman dgm-2

Feb-16-2017, 1:33pm
Anyone know if there's any danger of damaging my dgm-2 by putting on heavy gauge strings? Thanks

Feb-16-2017, 3:57pm
If you are hesitant, but want to try them, to be safe, tune it to FCGD, instead of GDAE.

Thicker strings do need higher tension to reach the same pitch as thinner ones..

The company website states the tension in kgf if you want to read 'how much'..

You can also ask the Eastman US Importer, online..

Why not ask them?, maybe, "will I Void my Warrantee, If" ..


Feb-16-2017, 5:24pm
Shorter scale with the same gauge strings means less tension.

Feb-19-2017, 1:49pm
VS , 'violin scale' , is shorter than standard scale, gibson style, by 7/8" at 13 inches ..

Where Short neck is the same 13 7/8" scale the bridge is just a little closer to the end block..

this is the Post Loar F hole A5 VS the Oval Hole paddle head difference..

neck joins body at Around 10th fret vs 12th..

OP may want to measure and quote the numbers..
(short neck types, & short scale are often confused, 1 for the other)


Feb-21-2017, 1:35am
Thanks for the replies everyone. In answer to your question mandroid, it's scale length is 14 inches

Feb-23-2017, 3:59pm
OK, That's regular mandolin scale, not a shorter one.

Feb-27-2017, 2:44pm
Oh so it's still regular scale even though it joins the body at the 10th fret?

Feb-27-2017, 7:00pm
Yea, the bridge is just moved down , the difference , fret spacing is the same.. scale length is the same.

It's more like old 'A' mandolins , than post '23 ~ modern 'A5, F5' types..