View Full Version : Red Cafe Caps! Same as the new Black?

Dale Ludewig
Jan-02-2015, 12:02pm

I have an older red cap, of course. And others. And a new Black one, which is quite stylish. Are the new red ones coming in going to be like the new black ones? I'm hoping...


Scott Tichenor
Jan-02-2015, 12:13pm
The red ones are going to be just like the old design and cap weight, style, etc., not identical to the black. Identical to ones we sold 3-4 years ago. We didn't think the larger headstock worked as well on the red cap because it's a slightly different kind of style, weight, size, etc. Also, the black and red are now handled by different companies as we were able to reconnect with the old supplier so we'll keep both. As you might imagine, lots of detail goes into the stitching on these.

Jan-02-2015, 3:34pm
The red one is drier and woodier. More traditional kind of hat.

The black one is sweeter and more balanced. More modern kind of hat.

For bluegrass, ya better go with the red. For Irish, jazz, or choro, stick with the black.

But really you can wear either one for anything.

Just stay away from the bowler hats. They're weird.

Jan-02-2015, 9:50pm
Okay, but which one sits on your head like butter?

Russ Donahue
Jan-02-2015, 10:09pm
Will any have a squid?

Dave Weiss
Jan-02-2015, 10:11pm
I think the red one sits like butter and is sweeter and very well balanced across the brim. The black on the other hand, is woody, woofey and barky, but in a pinch could be used for classical...

Ted Eschliman
Jan-02-2015, 11:17pm
Looking forward to these being available again! Afraid mine got left on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. If anyone sees an NCL cabin steward wearing one, it's probably mine.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-9/247469_10150209024329591_3040709_n.jpg?oh=9d093611 d9da1c8b2e9530739ee5c2a0&oe=5535D7EE&__gda__=1428720288_b0f39c50f6baa001db9511abd756635 7

Jan-02-2015, 11:21pm
Will any have a squid?


Bertram Henze
Jan-03-2015, 2:58am
Just stay away from the bowler hats. They're weird.

I most respectfully disagree (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEGGw5AUOT8).

Jan-03-2015, 8:14am
Wow Bertram, with one post you completely changed my bowlerphobia.

Looks extraordinarily cool. :)


Jan-03-2015, 8:26am
So when will the hats be available?

Jan-03-2015, 9:54am
Black is suitable for all occasions, and function as formal wear. It would take a lot of charisma or a reputation as a dandy to pull off wearing a red cap to a gala. Not that it couldn't be done, but the society pages and fashionistas may well have a field day at your expense.

Jan-03-2015, 9:33pm
Wow Bertram, with one post you completely changed my bowlerphobia.

Looks extraordinarily cool. :)


But what does he sound like when he wears a red bowler?

More seriously, am glad to see red return. I tend to wear baseball hats in warmer weather, but usually avoid black clothing when it's warm.

Jan-03-2015, 9:38pm
I've got one of the old olive/khaki ones; that's the kind Lloyd Loar wore, and that's good enough for me.

Darren Bailey
Jan-04-2015, 5:21am
But what does he sound like when he wears a red bowler?

More seriously, am glad to see red return. I tend to wear baseball hats in warmer weather, but usually avoid black clothing when it's warm.

On a more serious note, if any of you US gentlemen visit Ireland you might want to be careful where you wear the bowler hats - they are interpreted in very specific ways in parts of GB that might come as a surprise.

Bertram Henze
Jan-04-2015, 5:29am
Yep, walk through Belfast in a bowler and see some fun... ;)

Scott Tichenor
Jan-04-2015, 8:17am
So when will the hats be available?

I was told they're in transit via UPS. Didn't request a tracking number. Anticipate the next 2-3 days.